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Author Topic: Lump on cheek  (Read 3502 times)


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • Wiltshire
Lump on cheek
« on: July 07, 2014, 08:07:39 pm »
My billy goat has a hard lump on his right cheek. It is solid, doesn't move, no sign of being palpable and doesn't seem particularly sore. He shifts his head away whichever side I touch in case I'm trying to catch him!

Should I worry? It doesn't affect his ability to eat. I tried running my fingers up inside his cheek but if feels horrible! Couldn't reach the lumpy bit.

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: Lump on cheek
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2014, 12:03:02 am »
Could be an infection. One of mine had it, probably through eating hawthorn and have a thorn puncture her skin. The vet lance it and got tons of pus out, quick injection of abs and she was fine again.


  • Joined Mar 2013
  • Highlands, Scotland
  • Home is were my animals are.
Re: Lump on cheek
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2014, 07:41:51 am »
Yup same here,  abcess in her cheek. Not a nice sight when it pops. The vet did ours an the shed looked like there had been a murder ! You could see the relief in her face after  :goat: :love:


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • Wiltshire
Re: Lump on cheek
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2014, 11:05:58 pm »
Oh well, spoke to vet who said leave it unless gets bigger, softer, painful. More concerned it might be CLA but doubt it is as all my stock had come from closed, tested herds. How many of you disagree with vet?

Lesley Silvester

  • Joined Sep 2011
  • Telford
Re: Lump on cheek
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2014, 11:45:30 pm »
I do. If it is an abscess it is quickly dealt with. It took just a few minutes for the vet to use a hypodermic to check that it was pus inside, then to lance it, swill it out and give her a shot of antibiotic. Oh and wipe a mix of blood and pus off his face.  :roflanim:  Why risk it getting worse and an infection spreading?


  • Joined Mar 2013
  • Highlands, Scotland
  • Home is were my animals are.
Re: Lump on cheek
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2014, 07:32:13 am »
Yup you are right MGM, at least you would know for sure what it is then  :goat: :love:


  • Joined Dec 2009
  • Wiltshire
Re: Lump on cheek
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2014, 08:34:26 am »
I would agree too but... This morning lump was gone/burst. Side a bit soft but eating normally. Maybe my prodding has dislodged foreign body or abscess has burst? I will check again lunchtime. Weird!


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