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Author Topic: Sponsored Head Shave for Soi Dog  (Read 1661 times)


  • Joined Feb 2012
  • South Lincolnshire
Sponsored Head Shave for Soi Dog
« on: July 01, 2014, 01:21:45 pm »
Hi guys. I've only just thought to put this on here. There's a Shearing the Shepherdess page set up on FB too which tells you why I'm doing this.
Essentially I'm a dog lover with five rescues of my own. I've never done a sponsored anything before and a lot of people have asked why I'm not doing this for a UK based charity but Soi Dog just captured my heart in such an unexpected way and it just felt 'right'. I would love to be in a position to make a generous contribution of my own but am pretty darned skint at the best of times. A fundraiser came up and I decided I COULD sacrifice my hair (which will grow back-will get to finally see what I look like grey!) to raise monies so that's exactly what I'm planning with a little twist. On 2nd August Michael Churchouse (Sheersheep) is coming to SHEAR my head upon the promise of 'beer and mirth'.
If you'd like to help even in a small way please click on the link below to donate. Thankyou ever so much xx


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