Hi Lynn, et al,
We managed off grid without a fridge, just a freezer, we recently purchased a fridge (luxury).
We turn our power off most nights, unless it is extremely windy, when we turn our power on in the morning we turn on the freezer and turn it off at around 5pm (unless extremely windy or sunny), then shut down the system at bedtime. This works well.
So Lynn, you see what I mean when I say, 'we manage, because, we manage'. Most of the time we have more than enough power to run 24/7 we just got into the habit if turning off every night, and it works, after all, why use power when you don't need too. This is one of the problems with modernity, people take things like power for granted.
As I have said we do not 'need' to do without appliances, we choose to. And as you now know Lynn, storage is everything,
I will reiterate, its no good having massive wind turbines and hundreds of PV solar panels connected to half a dozen 'caravan' batteries.