Hello Julie ,
forgot to look back on here , sorry .
I wouldn't be able to get there from here mate , no money for train and i have dogs that can't be left for a whole day , or more .
It is a 2 hour+ trip on the bus to get to carmarthen train st , and god knows how long from there on the train to coventry , lol .
Thanks anyway . There will be someone local , 10 miles ish , that has them , and i can sort of arrange transport for that distance .
The move has thrown me completely out of kilter though , so no hutches made as yet , may have to wait until spring now anyway .
No rush really and no money either , all things have to fall into place before i can get them , make hutches , grow food , have money and be settled after the move , like one of those Chinese jigsaw puzzles lol .
Thanks again anyway .