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Author Topic: Something wrong with Laddie :(  (Read 10659 times)


  • Joined Jun 2012
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Something wrong with Laddie :(
« on: May 01, 2014, 07:18:45 am »
Hi everyone

I wondered if anyone to help me as to what to give/do with my sheltie Laddie

Laddie just turned 9 years old, is very slim and very active and healthy, never really been to the vet before

over the last couple of weeks he has been very stiff and then all of a sudden on friday last week he went from being very active and running around to not wanting to move at all, sitting hunched up like the notre dame and falling over onto his side whilst standing up.
I booked him into the vet as this was very worrying and he is my baby

After having him in the vet for two days, I picked him on monday, they had done full bloodworks, spine and stomach xrays and given him antiinflam, antibiotics and metacam for pain

This has wiped out the whole of my bank overdraft and the money I had put aside for some more shearling ewes next month, cant believe the amount they charged me

The most frustrating thing is, they said there is nothing wrong with laddie, he has old broken ribs from 4 years ago and maybe a sore stomach, they charged me for some laxatives for him and sent me away.

Since monday he has been much better so I assumed it was something to do with his stomach as they said.

Last night he lay down on the floor to sleep and this morning was in the exact same position, I got up, got dressed and called him to come for a walk and he couldnt move, he spun around to face me using his front legs, leaving his back legs on the floor.

I picked him up and carried him outside and he fell over onto the floor

I am so so upset right now, I have spent all of my money at the vet for them to tell me maybe he has a sore stomach, he obviously doesnt have a sore stomach, I think its something to do with his hind legs or hips :(

Does anyone have any idea what this may be and what I can do for him, I love him so much and he is usually such an active dog and so different to the little laddie thats just lying there looking at me :( is this hip dysplasia?

I am expecting someone will anyway but please dont tell me that I am silly for running out of money, should take him back to the vets, its my fault for not putting aside money, I should be able to afford my animals etc
Also he is not insured as they wouldnt insure him when he was young


  • Joined Aug 2012
  • Thornbury, Nr Bristol
Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2014, 07:30:51 am »
Jess - So sorry to hear about Laddie  :hug:  What a horrible thing to be going through.  Have to say I don't think much of your vet for not having discussed costs with you prior to doing all they have apparently done.  Also many vets now have an option to pay significant bills over a few months or come to some other payment arrangement so it's s great shame they didn't offer this as an option to you when you collected Laddie.

Is there any chance that he might have been tearing about and pulled something - our lurcher is always doing this (although it does not result in him falling over on his side when standing up).  I suppose it could take a little while for the anti-inflams to take affect and so if there is a strain/pulled something or other there should be an improvement in the next day or so. 

I guess if it was a hip issue this would have shown up in the x-rays they took?

Sorry I can't be of any real help but hope Laddie recovers really quickly and is soon back to his usual active and healthy self.  :hug:
« Last Edit: May 01, 2014, 08:00:35 am by ZaktheLad »


  • Joined Dec 2010
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2014, 07:47:38 am »
Sorry, I am absolutely no help to you but  :fc:  you find out what the problem is and he gets better soon
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits


  • Joined Jun 2012
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2014, 08:06:17 am »
Thankyou both  :)

The vet did let me know how much the blood tests, full physical examination, eye tests and consultancy fee would cost
but I suppose It was my fault as I didnt ask what the rest of the costs would be, it didnt really matter as I just wanted laddie to be fixed and I would have paid it anyway if I knew.

They charged me for each individual set of xrays, they did three sets, a set for his belly, a set for his rib cage and a set for his spine, they didnt look at anything else or his hind legs
He is a small dog, I dont get why they couldnt just zoom the xray machine out and take a full body shot and then zoom in on areas of concern
They also charged me for stomach tablets, worming tablets (they said I should re worm him), the antinflams, pain killer, antibiotic, time spent in the kennel, and food even though he didnt eat it, general anisthetic etc etc

They should have offered to me to pay it off or mention it then as I didnt ask about this as I didnt know it could be done :(

But I would have paid it anyway as I thought it would uncover what is happening, I did mention to the vet that he is getting the trembles in his back legs and along his spine but I dont think they took that into account

Just trying to figure out what it could be, I am putting my old car on ebay this weekend and I can send away my cull sheep early next month, Laddie and I just have to wait until then, just glad my power and gas are on a meter so its just run out and I dont have to put any more in!


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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2014, 08:51:19 am »
Stand him up, take one of his back paws and turn it over so the knuckle is on the floor.  If he doesn't turn it back automatically it is vestibular - similar to vertigo in humans and can be treated with the same drugs.  If it isn't that, he may have pulled muscles and metacam will help so continue with that. Change your vet.
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  • Joined Jun 2012
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2014, 09:16:25 am »
Thankyou doganjo,

He doesnt want to stand up right now, I will try with him later on, I have given him my sheepskin to make the floor more comfy for him and he seems to like lying on it, I have attached a photo of him, he is so cute :)

As soon as I can get some funds together I will take him to a different vet and get a 2nd opinion for him



  • Joined Aug 2012
  • Thornbury, Nr Bristol
Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2014, 09:22:57 am »
Bless him - he's beautiful  :hug:  I used to have a rough collie but also love the Shelties.  Get well soon Laddie  :hug:


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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2014, 09:26:56 am »
Is he eating and drinking?  Did the vet give you metacam for him.  The syringe has a calibrated scale on it so stick to the amount on there.  It is similar to Ibuprofen for humans so is anti inflammatoryas well as a painkiller, but is best taken with food to avoid stomach issues.
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2014, 09:39:55 am »
For goodness' sake, discuss with the vet paying later and get that poor animal seen to.  It's not acceptable to have any animal waiting in pain. 

You could also ring the PDSA for advice (0800 731 2502); if you are receiving any benefits you would be eligible to receive veterinary treatment for free, I think, but in any case hopefully they will be able to advise you how to go about getting Laddie seen to.
Don't listen to the money men - they know the price of everything and the value of nothing

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  • Joined Nov 2008
Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2014, 11:13:51 am »
Don't think much of your vets. I have to agree with others that your dog needs to be seen again.  My vets have let me pay by direct debit in the past for a big bill.

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #10 on: May 01, 2014, 11:25:39 am »
 :hug: :hug: :hug:

I think I would ring your vet and ask about having him seen now and paying later. Surely they would understand being that you have had to pay such a large bill only recently.

Think it's a bit odd for the lad to fall onto his side from a standing position .... unless I'm picturing this differently from how it actually happened. Had lots of oldies with failing legs/illness but that seems a bit odd. Wasn't like a fit was it????

When we had lots of oldies needing constant vet. care and meds, our vet actually offered the chance of paying as and when we could afford. Didn't need to .... they were my dads old workers so he helped with bills but it shows that some do understand and will work with you on that side of things.


  • Joined Dec 2012
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #11 on: May 01, 2014, 11:40:58 am »
So sorry for you and Laddie to have to go through this - how awful!
While I wouldn't trust your vets any further I think it is worth going back to them and telling them that Laddie is still in a bad state and get them to investigate further looking at the information/results they already have?
And could you perhaps ring a different vet and explain the situation and ask if they let you pay in instalments/later on for Laddie to be seen for a second opinion?
Also, as you already paid for all the tests you should be able to get copies of the results to show to the new vet. they may be able to conclude something from that, or at least they will not have to do the same tests/x-rays again.
 :fc: for Laddie's speedy recovery!
"If one way is better than another, it is the way of nature." (Aristotle)


  • Joined Jun 2012
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2014, 12:45:28 pm »
Thankyou everybody

Yes I do know that I have to get him to a vet, I have just spent all of my money at the vet and I know I have to get him there again

It was the vet that he is registered at where my family live in Reading, I have booked him into the vet at where Iive in Stroud for 2:10pm this afternoon, I have gone down to the bank and increased my overdraft, they have only increased it by £200 but hoping I can get somewhere with this.

I have spoken to the vet and they will only let me pay it off I have insurance with them and join there club thingy, this give me a certain % off fee's but then I have to pay £30 a month for ever after even if he doesnt have to go to the vet.....

When I said he falls over sideways from standing up, I think he doesnt want to lie down, so he stays standing for so long that his eyes close and he falls alseep on his feet, his legs then give way under him and he lands plonk on his side, not completely stiff like in a cartoon but not onto his belly neither, sort of falls alseep and lands... hard to explain.

I am certain its pain in his hind legs, as he is also now walking and standing with his legs underneath him, hard to explain, rather than having hind legs out behind him, they are directly underneath his body

Sorry if I upset anyone, was just trying to see if anyone had something similiar or had any ideas as to what it could be at all

Will let you know how it goes this afternoon


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2014, 12:58:16 pm »
Good luck at the vets Jess - let us know how you get on.  Hopefully Laddie has just pulled something whilst tearing around and it is painful for him to lie down.  My lurcher had the opposite in that he pulled something in his neck and didn't want to get up once he had led down as it was painful for him to do so.  He has made a full recovery.   :fc:  :hug:


  • Joined Jun 2012
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Re: Something wrong with Laddie :(
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2014, 01:03:47 pm »
Glad to know your lurcher made a full recovery, thankyou Emily  :)


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