Just thought I'd share my day,
Up about 5.30 ish
6am go open up for hen pens, feed and water 3, 1 pen is auto feed & water, check all looks well
coffee, dog play whilst drinking coffee
Go pick dandelion heads
Coffee, forum, breakfast
8.00am one of the lodges electrics keeps tripping, go have a look get test gear out start testing circuits and items, turns out it's the fridge freezer, still under warranty but that doesn't help as we need one now, so fetch a cool box remove their food and put it in our fridge freezer, down local shop buy new one £220 back to site tell guests situation
Do my daily tests on the hot tubs
Coffee, collect eggs, box up and take them to the gate (I walk about 5 miles a day just on our site, I have been carrying a pedometer just out of interest)
Make a fine adjustment to one hen house (chainsaw)
Go and empty 2 hot tubs as the guests have left
11.30 fridge freezer arrived put it in lodge, move old one out of the way go and fetch the food and put back in their new fridge
12.00 go fetch hoover, hoover out both hot tubs, disinfect and start to refill, that takes nearly 3 hours
Go to toilet write email on forum,
Go turn water off on hot tubs add chemicals
Strim edges of grass
Weed kill driveways
Fit new nest box to hen house 2 if I get time
6pm plant seeds, fill seed trays with wheat
Make at least 12 paper mache briquettes ready for winter (4 x per week = approx. 50) should be enough
7-7.30 dinner
8pm chickens
8.15 asleep
Love it but it's hard work at the moment.