Red kite are
huge - much bigger than buzzards - and
sobeautiful. :hugkite: (I know we don't have a hug-a-kite icon but I live in hope
) Yes, I think they eat carrion.
However... when you are lambing, and crows, buzzards and other birds are flying about frightening your ewes, and pecking the eyes and tongues out of any lambs taking a long time to be born... well I do not of course condone shooting a protected species but I maybe can understand why some might want to.
There are also a lot of gamekeepers and lovers of other birds who get upset about the number of eggs and young chicks taken by the ariel predators. It's an issue in my area with hen harriers, terribly low on numbers but which - so they say - will predate young grouse chicks. Most of the country folk I know want everything in moderation - but if the predator numbers get high then the smaller birds, especially ground-nesting birds, will take a pounding.
Whether a red kite only ever takes anything that is already dead, I wouldn't know...