I could send you 20 odd plans of places i have wanted to buy, ….i have had people change their minds about selling , i have had a couple where people blew me out the water with massive offers
mind you i did smile at one case, we looked at 6 acres with a barn…. a couple of guys from london where viewing the same time..they told me they would outbid everyone else…..
I rang the farmer to speak about the access road….he told me..don't buy it boy…i own that access road, and am going to close it…and i am getting bloody fed up with this crowd form london blocking my lane …. i heard the two london boys did win the auction…. i also hear, the the road has been closed..leaving the property landlocked
oh the joys of buying land

the weird thing is…in a town, you could put up a shed in your garden with no problems….in the country..the same shed could get the whole village complaining