What got me started? Well, my aunt had been spinning and weaving for years and I'd always managed to avoid her teaching me - too much else to do, job, young family, loads of other hobbies, two allotments and so on. Then we bought our smallholding and my health plummeted so I couldn't do the physical work (we had planned about 6 acres of market garden supplying restaurants)
So, we got three Jacobs to eat all the grass we were left with (Obviously not going to be enough, but we were novices and so innocent). The first time they were shorn I had these bags of wonderful, soft, colourful, gorgeous-smelling, and above all exciting bags of fleece. I knew then that I had been dragged in to spinning so I just submitted
I bought a spinning wheel and simply practised til I could do it.
My first Jacob jumper for my husband was so heavy he could barely walk around in it
Sheep are even more addictive than spinning, so we added Hebs, Shetlands, and a variety of 'fleece specials' and I was hooked forever. Now I'm heading down the weaving route, using my handspun.
I never expect to be 'good' at fibre crafts in a competitive way which is just as well because I always have been disobedient, so if there's a 'right way' to do something then I will always find a different path
I've never been as totally committed to spinning as Sally is though
SbtR - look at my website for more multihorn Heb pics. It would be lovely to know Gladstone Laughing Boy or one of his progeny has been the subject for your drawing
We'd need to see the final pic though