Having ignored tons of automated messages on my phone about government schemes, I got a real person called yesterday and just happened to catch me in picking up the phone mood, a rare thing!
One of those "surveyors in your area" type thigns I was about to get shot of, but he said his company GoGreen is doing this on behalf of the Scottish Govt to get panels on rooves of those that couldn't afford to buy their panels outright under previous incentives. I had to turn down a local initiative about 18 months ago for exactly that reason, they needed £15k up front I think, and no way..
Anyway, this story is that the panels go in free from the company, pay for themselves from the feedback into the grid over 6-8 years, and meantime you get reduced elec costs from your normal supplier on the basis you're using mostly what you produce yourself, supplemented when necessary from the grid.
I agreed to the surveyor coming (free) on Tuesday and obviously won't sign up to anything before I look deeper but I wondered if anyone knows of Go Green as a company, can verify the scheme the government is offering really is free to the "roof owner" and any downsides or alternative providers that run the same scheme that I should be checking T&Cs against?
Something for nothing sounds a wee bit too good to be true. I usually loathe and ignore or refuse anyone that coldcalls me. But lower lecky bills and going a bit greener would both be nice if it isn't a con of some kind or just a sales pitch that could be matched/exceeded by other means that might cost me something up front but be worthwhile longer term than a free system. Not that I ahve anything to pay an upfront, but this second class citizen's approach is bugging me a little..
Experiences, advice, considerations, options, dire warnings?