I found this question & replies helpful - thanks. I'm a total beginner, and live in Greece where getting info from the locals isn't always easy with my limited Greek & their dialect, as well as some pronounced differences in attitudes to animals. So I'm trying to glean what I can on the web. Trouble is that I don't know what "layers pellets" might be called here, or what they look like. But I'll find a way, I'm sure.
No.1 embarrassing question: does the "layers" in "layers pellets" mean "hens who are laying eggs"? Please don't laugh - I thought it had something to do with the food being layered! You can see what you're dealing with, can't you? Poor chickens!
I'd also like to ask what vegetable leftovers can be given to them, & in what state. I've got the impression that most of you COOK stuff like potato peelings. We're inundated with broad beans now but I've been told the pods aren't any good for the chickens. I'm completely confused about what veg they can't eat AT ALL, and what should only be given to them if COOKED. Ours have a good space to roam in freely and are producing an egg each so I shouldn't worry, perhaps, but would really like to know. Any help appreciated!