Utterly horrendous for you and the sheep - but as others have said, they are resilient creatures and many survive perfectly well with pieces missing from ears etc.
Shock and infection are the main things to worry about now and you're doing all the right things there. Make sure they are eating and drinking - if any are listless get some water (with a bit of glucose in if you like) into their mouths. They
must drink when they've had injuries like this.
I hate to say it, but in my experience any abortion may not be immediate, and/or there could be dead or malformed lambs born downstream. Just concentrate on keeping her fit and active, nature will take its course. Hopefully a tough little primitive type will hold onto her lamb(s) and pop and rear it/them in due course

I know how upset I was when a good ewe with twin lambs at foot died of shock after what we believe was a minor run-in with a dog that was playing (no malice intended) with her lambs. And when a boy racer ploughed through some of our sheep on the road, killing and maiming five. It takes a long time to get over it

Fingers crossed your ladies recover and give you many more years. They are lucky to have an owner who clearly will put their welfare first.