What a scare I had this morning! You should see the speed these brats run at, and no brakes either - well I think Freckles ran into a tree in the back garden. Just one short squeak and she came rolling and tumbling/half walking/half crawling at great speed out of the trees right into my leg. She had no control over her legs and was obviously worried but seemed to know where she was as she obeyed my command to stay while I put Belle back in her kennel. Then she tried a few times to get up and was running around with her legs splaying under her. I felt her all over but she didn't seem to be in pain, except a wince when I touched her head. I saw a wee cut/graze above her eye - not big enough to need stitching, so checked with Ian my vet about concussion. He said to just keep an eye on her and bring her over if I was at all worried. Ten minutes later she was running around almost normally, rushed into her kennel and started eating her breakfast I've taken both the girls into the conservatory for the day to watch her, but so far she seems almost back to normal. What a worry!