Author Topic: Could I plant raspberries / blackberry plants in pots for transplanting in 2014  (Read 3176 times)


  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Whitley Bay
    • Urban Hives
I want to get some fruit for my new allotment, but the place I'll be putting them isn't ready yet. A previous plot holder has two greenhouses on what was his plot, but due to a hospital delay won't have them removed until late in the year. The fruit position is next to this area.

Could I buy bare rooted plants now and pot them up, then basically leave them in the pots, perhaps until the spring next year, when (fingers crossed) the area will be ready for them.

thank you for any replies received.


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Kent
  • HesterF
Yes - seems perfect to me. Just make sure the pots are a little protected so they don't freeze solid.


  • Joined Feb 2012
  • Durham
Agree with HF, they will be fine. I've still got some raspberries in pots brought from a friends allotment spring last year and cannot decide where to put them for permanent position  ::) they gave fruit both years though not as good as the fruit on the ones I did plant out.


  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Whitley Bay
    • Urban Hives
Thank you for the replies ... so I'll order them now before the best varieties run out. ;D


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