We were predicted about £13k a year in rhi min plus savings in running costs, which should pay off a loan in 5 years apparently (so they tell us), which a financing company would receive instead of us, for 20 years.
It is shed loads of money and so far all we have is, it should or about, things are never straight forward and just as they don't tell you the full story in regards to the elec cost of the heating pumps or the regular service cost etc. Im sure the sales folk are only telling us part of the story.
But if we can really have a lovely warm house in the winter, actually pay of the loan in 5 yrs and the government pay us £13k for the next 15 years then we will find the money from somewhere.
We just think things are never that easy and hope to find someone who has ventured down this path.
The man who writes books on old houses and all this renewable stuff gave a talk at the Home Building and Renovating show, he was excellent with a vast amount of knowledge and said wood pellet system was the best with solar at the bottom.
Who knows, its just scary figures.