Author Topic: What makes a croft different from a smallholding?  (Read 38406 times)

oor wullie

  • Joined Jun 2012
  • Strathnairn
Re: What makes a croft different from a smallholding?
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2013, 07:14:11 am »
No idea how they value bare croft land.  Given that the owner/tenant has to live within 15km you would think that prices would vary depending on who lives nearby but it doesn't seem to work like that.

The price to buy land outright is usually near enough the same as the price to buy a tenancy.


  • Joined Apr 2011
  • Isle of Skye - Scotland
Re: What makes a croft different from a smallholding?
« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2013, 11:34:26 am »
Regarding mortages:
As others have stated, it is possible to buy croftland that has a decrofted house site and/or a house already built on the decrofted site. This gives the banks the security they need. I know several who have purchased, via mortgages, like this.
Bare land crofts are a different matter.
It should be noted that even an owner occ croft-OOC- (where the croft is owned outright) can, "theoretically", still be influenced by the crofting commission. If the OOC is not being used for intended purposes the CC could force the owners to let the croft. therefore the owners would then become landlords and the leasee a tennant. The 34km (why km I'll never know, when did we shift to using km?!?) also applies to OOC.
In reality it is very difficult (the CC are veeeery sloooow) to act upon unused croft or absentee tennants/owners. One day, we can hope, that there will be more drive to ensure crofts are used for crofting.


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