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Author Topic: Disabled Access in houses etc  (Read 3917 times)


  • Joined Aug 2010
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Disabled Access in houses etc
« on: October 11, 2013, 06:15:09 pm »
Hi All, as you know I am selling up to move as I don't get around as well as I would like owing to fairly bad arthritis.  Normally I am not too bad, but with having to show folk round I have overdone it somewhat and have been pretty immobile the last week or so which has started me thinking about the future

I hope that once I am moved from here with less walking about to do my knees etc will improve and I shall be able to do the motorhome thing, but in the fullness of time I will probably be looking as somewhere single storey

I am currently looking at places to buy as I will want to put any spare capital into property.  I am thinking somewhere that could be let as a holiday let while I am travelling, but if I have to do any work on it then considering the future might be good.

Does anyone have any experience of adapting property to wheelchair/disabled users.  Or links to sites which might be useful

Many thanks - Sue
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  • Joined Aug 2010
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Re: Disabled Access in houses etc
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2013, 07:39:49 pm »
In terms of disabled access the building regs now require that all ground floor rooms in new builds or major reconfigurations are wheelchair accessible, including front doors and interior doors and also that light switches and electric sockets are halfway down the wall for the same reason.

I think there has to be a downstairs loo too, in addition to any that are fitted upstairs if relevant,mand there has to be clear wheelchair roll room to everything. However the bath etc dont have to be disabled accessible as that can be add on retro fitted whereas the rest has to be done at the outset.

Hence our PP for restoring and renovating a ruined cottage on our farm has all that plus you have to have access without steps from car parking to front door so theres a long ramp.

NB shower trays are generally low lip these days, there isn't a requirement for a wet room roll in shower so unless that's been chosen that might have to be retrofitted if you wanted to go for full wheelchair access.

So, in theory, if you initially concentrated on recently built or recently completely renovated single storey properties or one with maybe just occasional guest rooms upstairs eg in a dormer to minimise the need to use the stairs, you ought to find pretty good Holiday let /disabled access built in, with just extra kit to add if you want to have accessible baths with hoists, handrails on ramp up to front door etc.

Hope this helps a bit, we had no issues with the regs as the cottage is intended either for elderly parents or as holiday let, either of which make the requirements a benefit.


  • Joined Dec 2011
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Re: Disabled Access in houses etc
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2013, 04:20:14 am »
We live in a bungalow that was renovated specifically for wheelchair access for an elderly parent and with a separate living area for a full time carer.

It is as Lachlanandmarcus describe. Two of the three exterior doors double width. There are no floor height changes inside. The internal doors between the main rooms are not fitted and the apertures are about 3' wide. There is a wet room. But the exterior doors cannot be fully opened from a wheelchair and there is no vehicular provision, so it doesn't work here without a carer helping.

Fittings are easy to use -the taps are lever operated and the few doors have lever handles. I used to change taps regularly for people with grip problems.


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Re: Disabled Access in houses etc
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2013, 08:57:50 am »
try the Disability living foundation, they used to be good not used them in a while now


  • Joined Aug 2010
    • The World is My Lobster
Re: Disabled Access in houses etc
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2013, 09:15:48 am »
Thanks all = I shall do some more research and any other iinfor gratefully received.
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  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Disabled Access in houses etc
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2013, 09:28:40 am »
It's good that building regs have been adapted to suit disability, we have looked at so many hoses that would be difficult to live in if disabled, lots of bungalows with steep steps and no handrail up to the front door, I know lots of us have weak knees and or backs...also ground floor toilets and a shower if possible, a good wide shower room or toilet with plenty of turning space, it's not great to only have upstairs facilities.

houses can be assessed and adapted physio.   And occupational therapists, I think if I remember correctly, the physio for perminantly fixtures such as hand rails etc and the occupational for moveable objects such as chairs etc......hope I got that correct But, I am sure it's only for people who have a social worker can ask at our local social services office for advice but they often refer to the disability living centre...some amazing stuff out there that would benefit us all. I loved the big shower with jets  in every direction, then hit air dryer....bliss


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