I don't know why I've not posted this on here before, and now its almost too late in the year to tell. But has anyone noticed the extent of birch tree die back going on this summer?
We've heard lots about ash die back, but last year (I think it was the year before that actually) I noticed birch trees loosing clumps of leaves, in Angus. It tends to be just one tree out on its own, as a specimen rather than a whole forest of dying trees. Trees take a couple of summers or so to die.
Areas of the tiny twigs loose their leaves, and over the growing season, the crown/leafy area gets more patchy till its quite small. The next year, only this area comes back, and the tree seems to loose more of its leaves through the next season, till there's not much actual growth left. The leafless twigs are dead rather than leafless and snap off.
Along the roads between Brechin, Montrose, Forfar, there are many examples, about 1 in 4 or 6 trees in gardens along the roads seem to be affected. I've seen some in Arbroath , and driving through Dundee, past Kingsway Park I seem to remember seeing some on the left. I have seem them all the way down to Stirling. But have not travelled much beyond there this summer.
I mentioned and pointed out some affected trees a few months ago to everyone at a SAC meeting, but noone had noticed it or heard of it.
I have sent some photograps to Trees for Life as aparantly they hadn't heard of it.
Below is a link to the forestry commisions page on it.
http://www.forestry.gov.uk/fr/INFD-67UERGSome cherry trees have been looking rough also, but I was advised by a farmer that this may be due to the hot, dry summer rather than anything longer term. The birch trees have been dying for the last two years at least. 2012 was wet, 2013 dry, so I don't think weather is the cause, unless its just general stress from extream weather, and personally I am really hoping this is all this is!
You can probably tell
I am not a tree expert ! - Anyone else noticed this? Is it caused just by general stress?