Hi there
Whereabouts in Mid Wales?
Remember everyones related so watch what you says to people you meet.
How very very true
I would agree about not rushing into buying loads of equipment and stock before you know what you will be doing and needing. 8 acres will seem huge at the moment but you certainly won't need large equipment unless you put the whole lot down to cereals or hay.
The tip to live on the place for a year before you commit to a plan is a good one. That way you see your land though the year, learn about the soil and climate, and see what will and what will not grow there. You will discover for example where the frost pockets are, which way the wind whistles worst, whether you get snowed in in the winter, whether more work needs to be done on the house, and you will also meet your neighbours. All these things are best learned by experiencing them rather than just asking around, although asking around helps too
You would have time in that first year to set up a veggie plot (with the proviso that you might put it in the wrong place until you know the land better) and to buy and learn about a few laying hens. It would be more sensible to wait until you know your land better before choosing where to plant any fruit trees.
For your big equipment, wait until you actually need it before you buy it or you will have some unused stuff around which has used up capital you could have spent on other essentials.
Don't underestimate how much time and effort smallholding takes. Every job takes twice as long as you think, and all your work is weather dependent. On top of that there are endless unexpected urgent things which have to be done immediately and can't wait until you finish what you had started. Especially once you have livestock whose welfare is your prime responsibility. That is why Castle Farm's advice to make haste slowly is good. Rushing in with every idea you have had put in place could well end up with you being overwhelmed. I have seen it before and suddenly the smallholding is back on the market.
There is so much info in the archive of TAS. There have been plenty of other newbies needing advice, so spend some time working through all of that, and seeing what is applicable to your situation. Nobody will mind repeating themselves, as everyone on here is so willing to help, but they do all have their own work to do too and it's sensible to find out as much as you can from the archive. Before long you will be giving the advice to another newbie
Good luck and do keep us updated with your progress, and wave any new ideas in front of TASers for some great advice.