I made jam today (for the first time, ever

) it's turned out lovely, so I thought I'd share the recipe (it's super easy too)

1Kg gooseberries
1Kg sugar.
Top and tail the berries and add them and 150ml of water to a pan.
Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
Add the sugar and stir til disolved, then increase heat and boil for 10 minutes (I stirred every minute or so because it wasn't a heavy bottomed pan and I was worried it would catch)
Test for set (spoonful onto a frozen plate, leave for a minute then push your finger through - if it wrinkles it's done)
Bottle and cap while still warm.
I was 200g short on gooseberries so nipped out to collect some wild raspberries from the hedge to make up the quantity and also added a bit of cinnamon powder too

Apologies if this is teaching granny to suck eggs, but as a jam novice I was quite impressed by how easy it was.......can see me making more