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Author Topic: Ratting and Bushing Terrier for Stud  (Read 2779 times)


  • Joined Feb 2013
Ratting and Bushing Terrier for Stud
« on: August 24, 2013, 04:11:11 pm »
Hi all, I have a Jack Russel/Norfolk terrier mix dog that I use for ratting, bushing and the odd bit of ferreting and i'm looking to breed from him preferably next year or later  He is nearly two years old but has really proved is weight in gold for taking rats and finding rabbits in cover. He killed 28 rats in one day as the lone terrier at work so he really has the stamina for a good days ratting. These pups will be affectionate little tykes but demons around the smallholding and farms towards rats and other pests, he is great with the cats. He runs around the smallholding with the chicks and hens without a single casualty. He lets the chicks peck him and sit on him, he is great to have with the flock as he kills any rats that come near, chases foxes off and will break up a fight, so he is a very useful dog. Preferably i'd like the bitch to have done a bit of ratting as this is what he is bred for and i'd like the pups to be used for ratting and bushing, but i don't mind a good farm bred bitch that controls the rats around the farm.
I hope to get some replies,
Many thanks,
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