Starting with Friday and Saturday the 27th and 28th of July, I've got five weekends selling my cider at the gate coming up. I've basically got ten days to shift one heck of a lot of cider. If the weather stays as it is, then I should be OK but inspite of what you farmers and growers are wishing for, please don't let it rain too much.

I need as much

as possible.
I sell my cider under what is known as a temporary events licence and I've recently found out that instead of the 12 days that I though I could have, I can actually have 12 licence applications but incorporating up to 21 days within any one year.
I really could kick myself, because basically I've just wasted all of July waiting to use my days up in August. Next year, I'll have ten weekends over the busy holiday months of July and August.
Its too late to do anyhing about it now, so wish me luck and although its most unlikley, if you're passing our place, then please feel free to drop in.
I'm just about living my dream.