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Author Topic: Hell they grow up quick!  (Read 1458 times)

Button End Beasts

  • Joined Jan 2012
  • Harston, Cambridgeshire
Hell they grow up quick!
« on: July 31, 2013, 12:57:26 pm »
The weaners are so big now at just over 6 weeks old and annoying the hell out of their mum. Her poor nipples are full of sores. They always nick her food despite having their own food bowls in a creep area. Wenever shes eating or walking theres laods of them hanging on her hassling her for food. We have been letting her out into another field on her own for a bit. Last night we left her out all night with the intention of putting her back In this morning. She did t seem bothered to go in and they were being their full boisterous selfs so we have left her out today too. It just dawned in me then that they are virtually weaned. Where did the time go? I've only got a few more weeks with them too as I've found good homes for most of them, despite initially planning to keep all 7 of them.

I'm gonna miss them  :'( [size=78%]even if they are little sods biting wellies, overalls etc. then again, there are the times, when they fall asleep on my lap having a belly rub, like little dogs.[/size] :love:


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