Author Topic: Darkbrowneggs - giving up all poultry - last lot of Marans for sale chicks £5  (Read 24493 times)


  • Joined Aug 2012
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I had friends who bought one with a garage - the fixed bed was over it.  They made it into a 'kennel' for the dogs  but it looked pretty big to me - big enough for one of those mini cars.  So there might be room for both Phoebe and a scooter, so that if you were out and about on it she would still have somewhere cool to wait for you.  I think they had a grid over the door so it could be locked and the door left open.
It had all mod cons too - cost about £25K I think.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Canterbury Kent
Hi,I too am really shocked and a little saddened to here you are giving up,you were so dedicated to thats what makes it so shocking.I also had some of your eggs on my wish list.
I'm sure you have your reasons and I hope you are OK.I would just like to wish you all the best,and good luck with your new adventure.It dose sound like good fun and I'm sure it will be.



  • Joined Nov 2011
As everyone else has said,shocked to hear your news and best of luck with your future plans.
I had an old long wheel base camper van for a while and I'd say don't get one bigger than you need if you want to go up little lanes exploring.  My teenage son wouldn't let me go some places after seeing the incline marked on the map. Maybe just cos it was an old van though.
I'm sure you could go around the whole country parking up on Tas smallholdings,  you're very welcome here if your vans not too big for the track.
Check out the caravan club certified sites - no more than 5 vans, basic facilities and only about £5 a night.


  • Joined Aug 2010
    • The World is My Lobster
That's interesting Doganjo - can you ask them what model it was and how they found it to live/travel in?

I hadnt thought about the garage bit but thats a really good idea getting a grid fitted over the back door, as it will be empty if I am gone and would be really good for Phoebe.  That's the good thing about getting lots of input and ideas that would take you years to think of

I had also thought of maybe doing some house sitting type stuff  if I decide I like "living" in a campervan 
Though it would only be for chickens and dogs/plants etc, as I won't be fit enough now for much mucking out/milking type stuff :roflanim:   But some people might like someone who knows a bit about stock to just "keep an eye" whilst they had a break.  Over the years I have had milking cattle, beef and calves, sheep, pigs, and pretty well every type of bird, plus dogs cats horses and a vast variety of pet type things.  And I know all about plants.  So I might set up a little website thing to offer services.  I am looking into getting my Criminal whateveritis done so folk know I am an ok sort of person. 

Again its just a vague idea at present.  If you can imagine all this has been planned in less than the last three weeks - as there is no way I would have put eggs in the inccy if I had even thought about moving, and the last hatch of Marans is just coming off today.

Basically having buried Mums ashes on 11th July which was her birthday and having a Celebration of Life for her on the Sunday after I suddenly found myself rattling round in a place far too large, no children and really no energy left after 30 odd years of looking out for Mum - so the time just seemed ripe for a change of direction. 

If I don't like it then all I need to do is buy another place and start gardening, chicken breeding and house improving again.  But I just feel I want a break to find out what I really do want to do.
To follow my travel journal see

For lots of info about Marans and how to breed and look after them see


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • leslie, fife
  • i have chickens, sheep and opinions!!!
good luck sue

Having seen your place can see why down sizing would appeal, can't imagine finding a buyer for your place will be easy, good luck!!!


  • Joined Oct 2007
  • Barry, Angus, Scotland
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Good luck in your new life, whatever it turns out to be  :)

Carnoustie's nice if you get round this way. Plenty room to park up the van too.


  • Joined Jan 2012
darkbrown eggs
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2013, 03:37:51 pm »
A rest and change maybe just what the Dr ordered.
We used to have VW campers, bit small maybe but just right for me and my husband and the dogs that we used to have, think too small for our 3 now but I would go with some thing like the Bongo or a converted big van, I saw one I loved with a log  burner in it, that was my sort of thing!


  • Joined Aug 2012
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I thought about the Bongo last time I was changing my car.  It's fine for one person and a couple of medium to small dogs, but not that big inside once it's fitted out as a camper.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age


  • Joined Aug 2012
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Looks super and the seller has re-listed it - surely didn't sell last time.  Dropped the price from £7995 to £6695.  Just a bit big for me to drive.
Always have been, always will be, a WYSIWYG - black is black, white is white - no grey in my life! But I'm mellowing in my old age

Victorian Farmer

  • Guest
i wish some 1 would keep the stock that's coming out the incubator when we started with leg bars the stock was a high standard we often spoke on the phone haw stock was coming on .So a egg market would work for dark brown eggs stock Marians etc .If i had the time  i would have the stock for Scottish small holders .
« Last Edit: July 27, 2013, 08:59:46 pm by Victorian Farmer »


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • leslie, fife
  • i have chickens, sheep and opinions!!!
ok seriously central scotland peoples

I am going down to the midlands next weekend, sue's is a bit of a trek out of my way but i'd be happy to go past and collect some stock.

I could get a max of 6 birds in with all the kids and other stuff i'll have on board I want 2 marans if she has some left when i ask her (only worth my while going if i collect all 6 birds)

I can hold stock here until it can be collected or onward delivery can be arranged, is anyone interested...

I would make appropriate plans to ensure they travelled safely the 6hrs from sues to my place!!!


  • Joined Jan 2012
What a lovely gesture David...not wanting any more chickens myself though :thumbsup:

Victorian Farmer

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Thats fantastic lets get a wip round for the fuel  . And get these hens in scotland


  • Joined Aug 2010
  • leslie, fife
  • i have chickens, sheep and opinions!!!
the fuels covered i just need definite homes/buyers for 4 more birds...


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