Hello everyone,
and so many thanks for all the replies & insights!
they have definitely helped me make a choice having failed to find a local farmer who has the time for the paperwork to put sheep on our land! Cant say I blame them if they are not short of grazing. And I did also try Sheep Keep but to no avail....
Fortunately, (I think !) my mind was made for me as everything seemed to fit into place ....so I have just bought 2 GFD wethers aged 5 months!
The plus points seemed to out weigh the minuses, and as I don't want to breed (not yet anyway) this seemed my best starting point.
1. The breeder is 10 miles from me and happy to keep in touch and help with advice when needed
2. They have given me the details of their shearer ready for next year
3. They are wethers so don't have to worry about rams or ewes
4. They have been handled since birth and are bucket trained
5. Our vet (for dogs and cats) has also bought 2 GFD ewes from the same breeder and is also happy to help me out if I am stuck
6. I had a quick lesson on trimming feet, worming and vaccs. But the breeder is happy to help out if needed
7. I also had a go at turning one ..... hopefully that will get better with practice!
8. They look absolutely gorgeous
9. They will love our paddocks and garden
10. They are on the risk list so although these wont breed at least they are serving a good purpose
Tomorrow we are off to buy stock fencing for our post and rail and feet trimmers and we should be set to pick them up once all the paperwork done !