Now hang on Dan - if you look at my original post to Vin on 24th June, I clearly said that my micro pigs were a description and not a breed and I stated that they had Berkshire in their breeding as well as Kune Kune and the fact that you cannot guarantee smallness in all the progeny. So I couldn't have made it clearer that they weren't a recognised breed! So haven't I actually followed your policy quite closely?
I've further mentioned their eating qualities and time taken to get fat.
Nowhere is there any suggestion of them being suitable as "small" pets. So how on earth can you put me in the same category as Ms Croft and others?
This is a Smallholders forum, not a Pet owners, and if you actually had the time to investigate, you would find that the people who have been misled by the micropig miselling are actually only a few hundred while the people who have sold sick and defective puppies bred by totally unscrupulous breeders runs into tens of thousands.
But you don't stop puppies being advertised here!
Obviously it's your forum and you can specify what rules you like. But it seems to me that you are being led by the hysteria of a few,
and seems a shame that you are allowing innocent members, with no previous knowledge or connection to Croft to be pilliaried for something they have no connection to.
And to get the record straight, micro pigs are not cross breeds, but mongrels, so to call them the former would be clearly misleading also.