Author Topic: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels  (Read 7498 times)


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Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« on: May 26, 2013, 09:17:32 pm »
Hi all

My friend requested that I try making some elderflower champagne for her wedding which was this weekend. We tried 2 test runs, using Ikea swing tops and champagne bottles and the final batch went down a treat at the wedding.

Our own wedding is in 5 weeks and I'd very much like to do this again for then. Unfortunately we have a large number of people and would rather not do tons and tons of bottles so I wasn't sure if this would work in a pressure barrel served from there?

Has anyone tried this before? I'm guessing it would work in the same way as serving beer from a pressure barrel but can't find any mention of anyone trying this on the interwebs.

9 sheep, 24 chickens, 3 cats, a toddler and a baby on the way


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Re: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2013, 10:33:13 pm »
I've always found that pressure barrels do not live up to their name!  I have frequently had the taps burst on me, or the plastic just expand which the manufacturers say is impossible.  Difficult if you don't have a fall back position in terms of drink for our wedding!  Even with beer, I now have drilled the top and put an airlock in it before bottling.  It's probably worth trying thoughh - I know I get fed up with the fuss of bottling!  Good luck!


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Re: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 06:15:05 am »
Can't help with advice... But a little story: the one time I made elderflower champagne (many years ago) I decided to follow a recipe, because it was the first time I was making it, and used screw top bottles as stipulated in that particular recipe! In the middle of one dark night there was this almighty bang in my kitchen - one bottle exploded, shards of glass everywhere, sticky champagne on every surface - oh the joys of homemade wine...

The other two bottles were quickly drunk, and were excellent.  ;D

So my only advice would be, don't use screw top bottles. Or at least use plastic ones. ;)


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Re: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2013, 10:44:01 pm »
Off subject, but I would love to know how to make elderflower champagne!


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Re: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2013, 10:57:47 pm »
We have a batch the didn't work so will transfer to the barrel and see how it pours in a couple of weeks. Will let you guys know.

The flip top bottles work well Ina, although when it we knew we would have them in the bottles for a while we released some pressure regularly.

Will post a new post for Elderflower champagne in a new thread Tregwyr, it's dead simple.

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Re: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2013, 01:15:44 am »
Batch poured into the barrel half way through didn't work and neither did a batch put straight into the barrel rather than bottles.  Both of the barrels developed a slight crack near the cap causing the gas to escape.  To be fair these were 30 year old barrels so they may have been weak to start with . If anyone does try it with new barrels let me know!

9 sheep, 24 chickens, 3 cats, a toddler and a baby on the way


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Re: Elderflower Champagne and pressure barrels
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2013, 10:46:11 am »
No barrel experience but have used big pop bottles when I've wanted big batches (but I only let them go a couple of weeks)- I have looked at them twice a day though and let out some pressure when they look like they are about to blow!  I also have some massive 2 or 3 l?)swing tops from lakeland  - they are sider demijohn shape with swigging handle.  Other alternative - are you anywhere near a tourist café that serves traditional lemonade etc in swing tops - ours does and used to just throw away the bottles!!!  They save them for me now So I have amassed a mahoooosive collection of single serving swing tops!  Shame you aren't closer or you could borrow them.  Good luck - how exciting!!!!


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