Muckboots - good insulation from the cold - makes walking (did I say walking?) through snow drifts bearable, comfortable to wear for long periods.
I would never go back to Hunters again - the cold penetrates the soles and my feet turn to ice no matter how many pairs of sox.
Gloves - often Riggers - leather palm & fingers, cloth outside. - cheap from places like Screwfix, robust enough to withstand a good chewing from a hungry Shetland cow after a carrot. Stops your hands freezing on a wet metal gate in the winter.
Waterproof trousers - most necessary in Winter - when walking through shuddy fields and tracks (shuddy= mixture of mud & cow dung). Also waterproof trousers give an extra layer of clothing to keep in the warmth. Waterproof trousers also allow us to sit down on the side of the field to get the calves used to us. And, as some of our cows are 'leaners' it stops jeans getting covered in greasy cow rubbings.
Hat/Scarf - when the wind blows up here, it really blows - and you loose a lot of heat from your head.
Waterproof coat - currently using a Gelert -nice and cosy - bought in a sale. A coat has to have pockets -for the baler twine, the odd spanner, penknife, small hand spade, carrots etc.
Steve wears overalls for working on the tractor - when he remembers - stops shirts & jeans getting covered in grease - when he remembers to wear his overalls.
Another thing we couldn't do without this time of year is Jungle Formula Max - stops the midges biting and I've got a midge net hat for when the going gets tough.