Excellent - a day by day account of the move in
and I agree making it an adventure and including the camping out, the visits to the local etc are way more positive a way of starting a new life than slogging up and down the road non stop. You've had enough stress for this move, the rest is about enjoyment and exploration.
Agree with previous poster, we have buzzards here and I love seeing them. Never had a problem with the hens, either when penned or now free ranging, if anything it keeps the hens from roaming too far up the fields and laying in patches I'll never find!
Only buzzard visit we've had was an injured one that crash landed IN the run when there were hens in it - neither bothered about the other under the circs. I had put up bale netting as a camouflage/discouragement to land across the pen at one time but it's all been removed now they're out all day.