Sorry to give you the negatives, I was thinking yesterday I should have added that they can be great pets. Once you've got hold of a tough line they can be about as much trouble as chooks. I've had to breed up a tough line, I only got weakly ones to begin with. Plus I've done less with turkeys than chickens and only gotten breeding stock from rather careless breeders, as I discovered later.
Most of my turkeys aren't as bad as what I mentioned, once I rather aggressively culled a few lines from the flock because they were attacking certain other birds and people and inspiring the more peaceful turkeys to do the same. Now the most troublesome turkey I've got is the grand-daughter of one of the originals, who's killed another turkey hen and attacked me. She'll be for the spit when she's fat enough, and that'll end that particular strain. Ended up culling one entire family tree.
Doubt you'll have half the troubles I've had, especially since Teacup's already a pet. Best wishes with that.