On the moorland farm we had, in wet years especially, to run the ewes and lambs through the footbath, sometimes every couple or three weeks for a couple of months.
530 ewes and their 800+ lambs...
Golden hoof is a great product but harder to use, as you have to hold them in it for a few minutes so can't get them flowing, following each other, through the race/footbath.
Walking them through weak (2%) formalin does keep scald at bay - the big downside with formalin is that once it's contaminated with dung, it starts to become rapidly less effective, so it's a one-time use only, and for our 800+ lambs we woud have to clear out and refill the footbath several times. Disposal is also an issue.
Tips for getting lambs to move - they will move towards their mothers, or where they last saw their mothers. So if you can arrange your pens, race and footbath so that the lambs can see their mums the other side of the footbath, they are keener to go through. Also, keep a few ewes with the lambs to settle them, especially if the ewes are used to the footbath and will enter it willingly.