I'd consider polination partners.
Have you a crab apple tree nearby, or moved / taken away any trees close by that could have been polination partners ?
Some varieties only fruit every other year,some only every three years, and have to have the correct conditions. I seem to recall that Dabinetts are one of these varieties.
I'd clear way the grass around the base of the trees and water well.
(You may want to consider testing the soil around the base of the trees, as the grass looks very green. This could mean that the minerals around the base of the trees has been leached out by the grass, and the trees are deficient. Likewise if the roots have grown significantly into ground that is poor in minerals or very acidic...you had lots of chickens in there?)
Can you post what Rootstock these are on, and I'll have a look in my library of Cider / Apple books for you.
A aka Scrumble the Goose