I have just noticed the November postings sorry all.
He is less than he was, but still has a way to go. I am going to get a velcro muzzle for him over the Christmas period to keep temptation out of reach. It is a hard slog, because he still steals. As soon as my back is turned he has found something. This week he got hold of the entrails of the cockerals I had processed. I couldn't believe it! I had them in a dustbin at the table I was working at outside. I dashed in for the phone and stupidly left the door open. I was only a few minutes, but there were feathers everywhere and the remnants of the yukky stuff. He did't get dinner that evening but he feasted on the leftovers of 6 large birds, feet and all. He is a nightmare.
Anyway a working progress. It frustrates me so much, because Deefor the yellow lab never steals, nor do the others really. Harvey the PBGV is a hunter and will eat his kill, but he then refuses his dinner, as does the Daisy the Jack, and Acro the French farm dog, so there is no problem with them at all.
All I can say is doing my best, and he is reducing slowly.