Hi Everyone,
I love this site so decided to join properly as I have been sneaking around reading all the info in the background!!!
We want to try to be as self sufficient as we can with food and have moved to a property about 15 months ago with a small amount of unloved land and been sorting it out with this aim in mind. We erected a 40ft polytunnel last Autumn and tried some over winter planting but this wasnt too successful as the seeds should have been planted earlier!! It is now though full of plants and doing really well!
Since then we have sorted out two areas of our land 1 for chickens and 1 for pigs. Currently the pig area is coming on really well- we have stock wired and electric fenced it all and we have channeled water to it. We are waiting for a pig ark, self filling waterer and pig feeder to be delivered.
Main problem is sourcing the pigs - we really would like OSB's and living in Essex it is difficult to find breeders nearby.
Next onto chickens ..... when we moved in though we brought our ducks with us and they were quickly despatched by local foxes, so we know that free range is out of the question which is sad ... but we want to try to make as large an area as possible safe for them.
thanks for reading and hope I havent rambled too much