I've got West of England geese which are beautiful, auto sexing and mine are very friendly. The gander did get more aggressive through the breeding season but is back to his happy self now (suspect that means the laying season is over
). I imagine that most geese are friendly if hand reared in small numbers - mine were certainly very used to people and now follow me round the garden like dogs (which is annoying when I'm trying to dig a hole and all I can see is fluffy bottoms trying to grab the worms).
I don't imagine they're very fox proof but the gander would certainly give it a go. He has the cats terrified as they shoot past, keeping their distance. He also stands at the fence hissing at dogs walking past.
Only downside is that it's very hard to get hold of genuine stock. I've just organised to get a second pair and it's going to involve a five hour drive (well ten hours in total) and that's for this year's hatch.