Author Topic: Nice bank, what's going on???  (Read 2479 times)


  • Joined Sep 2012
Nice bank, what's going on???
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:54:56 pm »
Just rang the bank to moan at them about £25 that they asked for having previously told me that there would be no extra charge, anyway they explained that the money was actually due ad the reasons why, so I paid it cos I'm nice like that, but wasn't too happy about it, so the nice lady gave me the complaints number.

I rang it, I complained very nicely, I didn't ask for anything, they gave me the money back and £75 compensation, I nearly fell over, I'm in shock, I like my bank, they gave me free money, I like free money, anyway big up to the tsb, cheers girls  :thumbsup:


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Nice bank, what's going on???
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2013, 01:15:51 pm »
Wow, I think the TSB is one of the most complained about banks so they are cleaning up their act BIG time, I went to borrow some money years ago to buy a very cheap car, they suggested i took out that insurance if I was out of work or ill, I thought they knew best so took it out, the re payment of my loan was not too bad but with the insurance it was double....I then went for an operation and was therefore out of work, so I tried to claim...could I? NO, forgot what they said BUT, then I was out of work while recovering so did get sick pay but still had to pay the insurance that took most of my money, I got work very quickly, too quickly but as soon as I could I paid off the loan and recently got some of the money back with the mis sold stuff claim. 
I came across several people in similar positions that had got into serious debt due to that insurance glad I paid off my loan and never ever again will I trust what the bank suggests!!
The other time I had a run in was when I changed jobs, I thought my money was going into my bank but got a phone call from TSB saying no money had been paid in and I was over my over draught, I was shocked and found the company had made a big mistake and they promised to put the lot in my  bank ASAP, I ran back the bank as I did not even have the money to get petrol to go to work due to that mistake, my fault for not checking but hay, I explained to the bank and asked for an extra £100 on my overdraught that can be taken back to the original £500 in 2 weeks time, they said NO....I was fuming, but did borrow some money to tide me over...remember I was working full time.....then..the money was paid in full to my account and guess what? TSB rang to ask if I wanted to extend my about closing the stable door and all that!!!
Since then they have been OK, I keep my money there as its easy and when we first moved I had no proper ID to change banks, anyway.....BLOOOOODY WELL DONE, drinks all round :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


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