Author Topic: Anaerobic Digester or AD Plant.  (Read 3165 times)


  • Joined Jul 2012
  • Cawdor - Nairnshire
Anaerobic Digester or AD Plant.
« on: February 27, 2013, 07:24:27 pm »
Having just sent 2 days touring a couple of plants with work ( Branston Potatoes in Licolnshire and Low Luckens Organic Resource Centre in Carlisle) I have had my interest stirred in micro or small scale AD projects.

Does anyone on here have any experience in producing their own bio-gas and then running a small converted generator or similar on it?

The plants I saw ranged from 50 kw to 510 kw and the one i am looking at for work is a sizeable 250Kw run on a grass crop feedstock.

would love to here if anyone has tried this, the chap last night at dinner was describing "bucket trails" where they ran the AD process in a waste bin!!!



  • Joined Jan 2012
  • brokenbrough
Re: Anaerobic Digester or AD Plant.
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2013, 08:49:36 pm »
look on the web for AD in india they are doing a load of work in this to perduce small house ones also China do them both for the rural areas of the country.
I have done a small scale one with a 5 gallon tank using goat poo, veg and fruit and I got burnable gas. I am now moving to a 45 gallon one to try and get it to run a genny (use the gas/petrol conversion from colar etc) if that works then the sky is the limit ---
I have seen someone in the USA do this in the backyard
give big thoughts and go for it. there will come a time when we are all doing this and the big companies will not have and profit (think British Gas)
when the revolution comes it will be a co-op


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