We pulled the ewes in on monday as i felt the fields were to wet and washed them down and filled the barn with a few bales of hay.
. Well popped in to see them earlier as they are downing water like it was going out of fashion and to my surprise there were 2 little lambs and a happy mum THIS is quite amazing as the Ram only went with them end of NOVEMBER..... we have a tiny little male o'essant i mean tiny 12kg max and about 20 inches high HEHE mini mini little fella... the happy mum is a Sulfolk / texel cross and huge 60kg plus... i think the little ram must have popped her whilst she was asleep or used an orange box or Stilts Hehe...
i am now wondering what size the lambs are going to be ??.... ps lambs are tugging away at mum and seem happy so i can presume they are not 2 months premature....