So this is the thing , we`ve got solar panels attached to calor gas boiler and two wood burning stoves,
we also have pv cells but they seem to be just to save your tiles getting wet !
any ways so back to the plot we still find the gas is too dear so as a result the house is cold if wood burners are not on and plumber says we should leave boiler on for longer, but for next winter i am thinking of changing one of the wood burners for one with back boiler , this i feel would make so much more sense as the boiler ie gas one would then just switch on to top up temp when required .now does anyone know how this can be done ,the system we have is a sealed system without cold water tank , i can understand it would involve the use of electric valves etc but wondered if there was a company that made a single unit specially for this use and if not ,with all the wood burners going in why not ?