Sounds do-able to me
I haven't got as far as breeding yet, but this is my plan:
Old outbuilding set up as "colony". Separate pen-within-the-pen for the buck (so I can control breeding). A pair of sisters as my starter does. So far they are fine together - if they begin fighting there is room to divide the big pen, after which I probably wouldn't try to put them together. So I'd probably end up with 3 adult rabbits in their own pens, and one large section for the weaned ones to fatten up in.
I'm aiming for a "colony" rather than "battery" system, and attempting to grow my own fodder to use minimal pellets.
I'm not using New Zealand whites or Californians - partly because I couldn't find them locally but also they seem to be the equivalent of broiler chickens - fast growing, high input, fast growth. Mine will grow slower but I also want to use the pelts, for which they need to be a bit older anyway