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Author Topic: Saddleback sow losing hair  (Read 4238 times)


  • Joined May 2011
  • Hampshire, near Portsmouth
Saddleback sow losing hair
« on: November 18, 2012, 10:05:38 am »
Our 3 year old Saddleback sow is looking like it's the mid summer moult - lots of hair falling out, particularly from midway to the back end, and rather more clumpy than is usual in the summer when all the hair disappears for a time.   Never had this before in the winter, does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem?    She is up to date with all her Noromectin injections, the last 6 monthly one administered about a month ago, and she also gets a 6 monthly booster erisypelas jab when required.   There are absolutely no signs on her skin of external parasites or any marks or spots, and she is eating and behaving completely normally in every other respect.   She lives outside all year and has ample access to mud.   The other two sows who share her ark have perfectly normal thick coats.   I am wondering whether it could be connected to be being dry (deliberately) for several months, even though she is cycling regularly at 3 week intervals.   She weaned her last litter at the end of May, and she will be inseminated again in December or January for an April litter (hopefully).    Would appreciate any thoughts or ideas anyone might have - Tamsaddle 

Fowgill Farm

  • Joined Feb 2009
Re: Saddleback sow losing hair
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2012, 10:57:07 am »
As no-one has answered for what its worth, hair loss can be triggered by stress which doesn't seem likely in this case if she is happy with her lot, it can also be vitamin related so a shot of multivit won't go a miss, it may also be down to this crappy weather warm one minute, cold the next and it may also as you suggest be hormonal to do with her being dry.
Sorry can't be more help, so long as she is warm and well/happy in herself i don't think you need to fret unduly just watch her if the weather turns very cold.
mandy :pig:

Mrs Snoodles

  • Joined Aug 2012
Re: Saddleback sow losing hair
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2012, 11:26:48 am »
One of my large blacks lost hair in the summer. grazing on fresh paddocks and with good feed plus veg. No stress.  Never understood why but have seen it start to comeback recently.  Her sister showed showed no sign of losing her hair, neither did the other gilt in the same field.


  • Joined Oct 2012
Re: Saddleback sow losing hair
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2012, 11:52:42 am »
One of my large blacks lost hair in the summer. grazing on fresh paddocks and with good feed plus veg. No stress.  Never understood why but have seen it start to comeback recently.  Her sister showed showed no sign of losing her hair, neither did the other gilt in the same field.

hair loss in the summer is quite normal a lot of pigs moult.

as mandy has said this years weather is up and down so that wont help. it could be she snuggles down between the other pigs and has just gone through a late moult.

you could try adding multi vit powder to their water to give a boost it wont do any harm.
we can still learn if we are willing to listen.

Mrs Snoodles

  • Joined Aug 2012
Re: Saddleback sow losing hair
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2012, 12:00:43 pm »
It is quite alarming though isn't it...seems to just 'happen'. 


  • Joined May 2011
  • Hampshire, near Portsmouth
Re: Saddleback sow losing hair
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2012, 10:48:22 pm »
Will try and get hold of some multi vitamin powder.   Good idea, was vaguely thinking along those lines myself.   Thanks for replies - Tamsaddle


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