Thanks Badgerface! yours look like a torduu as well. I have wanted some for years but could not afford one, now I guess all of those late nights lambing someone elses sheep paid off!
Thanks for looking that would be great, my email address is on my profile or through my website.
The ewe came from someone in Northampton orginally I think. He could have been a judge. She has no dark wool on the top of her tail and she has coloured markings down her legs with no breaks. She had two charolais cross lambs this year which did not show any badger markings, neither did any of his other lambs bred from badger ewes. My daughter has named her "Precious Baa Motswe" as she has been reading the "no1 detective agency" books! Try shouting that in the morning, Luckily my neighbours are all farmers or gamekeepers who have a sense of humour!