Congratulations, Sally
And those chops look
just right to me - not too fatty at all.
When I first started with our own pigs, BH would keep inviting people around for pork, giving joints away - acting like he was terrified I'd make him eat pork 365 days of the year. Whenever I cooked a joint he would seem to be actually scared of the amount of meat, and when serving guests would heap it on their plates and try to get them to take some away in a doggy bag.
(Not that I begrudged them the meat, but it made me feel like I was poisoning him!!)
This week we ate the last joint in the freezer, a rolled 2/3 shoulder I butchered myself on arl's course in February. (Clearing the freezer in preparation for the next pig and the first of the geeps.) We had relatives staying, so that was great - 3 extra mouths chomping on the crumbly tasty pork. As they left, BH said, looking worried, "There
is some of that pork left, isn't there?" Yay!
He's converted!