Author Topic: Register interest for free education courses on diseases/husbandry  (Read 9914 times)


  • Joined Jan 2012
Re: Register interest for free education courses on diseases/husbandry
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2012, 02:33:09 pm »
Brilliant, I would be really happy to see anyone who wanted to drop by for a chat.

You are right about the north of England I'm afraid - the SAC corporate arm does have a good Farm Business Services consultancy office in Kendal, but free courses are Scottish Government Funded so that stops at the border sadly.

I've started a wee map at work to put pins in so we can see where best to go. Thanks for replying, its great to have the input, keep 'em coming everyone :) Other people who will be at the SSGF  will include the lady who runs free crofting/smallholding courses in the highlands and islands, Siobhan, and Paul from Food production, who would like to help anyone interested in turning any smallholding surplus into good quality product for public consumption. The marketing guys will be there and might be free if anyone wanted a quick chat on how to make a brand, and Daan the botanist will be there for anyone who wants to chat about vegetable growing, forage or grassland. He is particularly good with maximising potato crops in difficult years and controlling ragwort, which can really muck up your winter forage. We have been seeing cows with liver failure due to preserved ragwort in winter feed! It was from a small herd of only twelve cows and was a real shame.

There will be some free handouts, called "technical notes" with handy hints and tips on all manner of subjects from ducks to grassland to diseases.

I am completely lost in admiration for Rosemary and the team at SSGF - the festival sounds so fantastic, I'm actually a little selfishly disappointed that I won't see everything on the day! But we'd really like to give everyone as much of a helping hand as we can, so I should stop feeling sorry for myself. What a festival it's going to be though - the catalogue looks amazing!


  • Joined Jul 2011
Re: Register interest for free education courses on diseases/husbandry
« Reply #16 on: September 22, 2012, 02:38:55 pm »
I would like to register interest for pigs and sheep (and poultry if an it's an option) in North Fife area.


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