Last year I hatched some geese using my incubator. The idea was to keep a brace and eat the rest. However, I never got round to despatching many, part cold feet, part over abundance of turkeys and cockerels. So we have 4 , 3 ganders and 1 goose. Alledgedley geese come into lay around valentines, so I have been expectant. she has been waddling round a bit behind the boys looking a bit forlorn. This morning when I opened the geese hut up they all burst out in a frenzy. Summats up I thought. So i backtracked round them as they munched on some wheat, and there they were, two huge eggs in the middle of the hut. She'd been stuck with her first egg and the secand must have followed soon after. We now have a tray full of hens eggs and two huge geese eggs. any ideas what to make with these beauties?