Hello in the Hills and Foobar
If you had a ram visit last year, it could be that. I bought in 4 shearling ewes last year.
I quarantined the 15 lambs and 1 ewe, and started them on 3 day course of Pen & Strep, not used the orph paste yet, but put Teramycin on the sores, though maybe Iodine would have been better. Today they look a wee bit better, like it's drying up. It's still a mystery where the Orf came from though I believe the field we bought 2 years ago, was grazed by another farmer. I will ask them if they've ever had Orf. Though somehow I don't think it lies dormant in thistles, more likely lying dormand in one of the shearlings, and like cold sores, it is spread by recent contact. Sigh. It's horrible to see the mess my wee Katy is in. She was my only bottle fed this year and looks like she's done ten rounds with Tyson. Some of mine have it around the eyes and base of horns which is horrible.