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Author Topic: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area  (Read 6232 times)


  • Joined Aug 2011
  • carmarthenshire
Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« on: July 31, 2012, 07:14:21 pm »
Was'nt sure where to post this but we are looking for a fencing contractor we have a large feild which we need sectioned off and cant seem to find a fencing contractor anywhere. we only want stock fencing and a few gates installed called around a couple of companies to be told we charge this per metre (but we really cant be bothered to come and quote you)
the issue is the land is boggy in places and steep in others so to my untrained brain i am thinking normal fence posts wont hold so will need to use bigger thicker ones so really need someone to be able to come out and actually see what they will be facing rathere than being quote x amount of hundred to then be charged xx amount if you get my meaning.
the work needs to be completed within the next couple of months so if you know of anyone decent please get in touch  :fc:


  • Joined Sep 2009
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Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2012, 08:14:26 pm »
What sort of length of fencing and a you supplying the material ?


  • Joined Aug 2011
  • carmarthenshire
Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2012, 08:54:40 pm »
we would supply the materials with regards to length have no idea the feild is 3acres and the perimeter fencing is fine but we want to section it of into 1/4 acre plots approx but we really dont know which is why we would need someone to come and look at the plans we have drawn up and measure it all up.


  • Joined Jun 2012
  • Peak District
Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2012, 08:40:51 am »
Hi littlelugs,

I have spoken to a agricultural contractor who is based over in Lincolnshire, but travels the country hedge laying/planting/general agricultural fencing etc.

He says that if you want to give him a call and discuss it with him his number is 07970 433470

Ive known Adam years as we were at college together and he's always undertaken slightly unusual projects no matter the size that other contractors seem to turn down or show no interest.

If you do decide to give him a call tell him I've messaged you on here and that will remind him.

Good luck with your project, sounds very sensible to me, strange that others have not shown an interest?

Cheers for now,

Pedigree Ryelands, Charolais cross Mules


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Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2012, 09:34:56 am »
There will be loads of contractors in the area who will do this.

Numerous small farmers who have a post knocker also do this type of work when they are not busy. I'm sure if you were to ask in any of the agricultural or building supply stores where they sell fencing materials (like the place at Ffairfach next to the market) they will be able to give you half a dozen phone numbers. I can give you the number of the guy who did mine if you want (pm me) but he is difficult to get hold of (no landline) and he is based a bit further away from you and may not want to travel that far for a smallish job (he had 8000 metres of fencing to do prior coming to me!).


  • Joined Dec 2010
  • Talley, Carmarthenshire
Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2012, 10:15:37 am »
Henchard, you are right. C&P (the place at Ffairfach) definitely have some fencing contractors listed on their walls. I was in there earlier this week.
Life is like a bowl of cherries, mostly yummy but some dodgy bits

Victorian Farmer

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Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2012, 10:50:24 am »
i do a lot try and get some telegraph poles going rate £15 each cut in half 2 gate posts then see whot you need get second hand gates .the gates are important need to be right and strong .


  • Joined Aug 2011
  • carmarthenshire
Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2012, 11:18:42 am »
thanks for your replies everyone im going to c & p this week to collect some ear tags i ordered so will have a look, didnt think about looking at the notice board to be honest.
i have been given a couple of numbers so i will get in touch with those aswell,
thanks again all i need now its to find a contractor for topping and drainage if it ever stops raining for long enough  :&> 


  • Joined Jun 2011
  • Brynamman South Wales
Re: Wanted fencing contractor ammanford area
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2012, 12:44:41 pm »
We are just in the process of moving to Brynamman, having had the house for almost 12 months, in that time we have made some usful local contacts, one of which is a bit of an allrounder, fencing, tree work, gardening, shearing etc. He is well known locally which is why he came to us recommended.
If you would like his contact details pm us.


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