This is my all time favourite cake, watching my Lavender flowers daily waiting for them to bloom, those of you in sunnier climes wont have to wait as long
Lavender Victoria Sponge
6 oz Butter
6 0z Castor Sugar
6 oz Self Raising Flour
3 Large Egss beaten
3 Heaped teaspoons crushed, dried lavendar flowers (I also use fresh)
Double Cream
Beat sugar and butter till very pale and creamy. Add beaten eggs a little at a time. With last amount of egg add a little of the flour, then fold in rest of flour, adding flowers and folding in too.
Divide into 2 lined tins and bake for 20 mins at 375/190/ Gas 5.
Cool on wire rack then sandwich together with whipped cream, dust with icing sugar and decorate with 3 tiny sprigs of lavendar.