the time is coming near when the tup lambs (x 3 - not castrated) will have to 'go' This is my first time In the past have had to have animals put down for humane reasons but this is the first time ever 'choosing' to kill something. Yes I know this is how it has to be - haven't named the tup lambs and trying to keep emotionally distant from them. Any general tips on how to cope with this first time round? Also - have a dilemma - as I only have one field I'm considering sending the boys straight to market when they are taken off their mothers as in literally separate them into the trailer and take them off to market. Is this 'cruel' ?? (yes I know they're going off to be killed but it just seems to make it somehow more unpleasant!!) Is it better to sort out borrowing a field elsewhere, move the ewes, wean the lambs and then send them away a week later or so? Is it better to find private buyers so that they go direct to an abbatoir from here and therefore don't have the added stress of market? Husband wants to eat them but don't think I could eat my own. This is possibly all seeming a bit daft to 'hardened' smallholders. As you can probably tell - starting to get anxious about making it as stress free for the lambs as poss. Only a few more weeks until they should go (about 4 months old then) Any thoughts?