Author Topic: Crazy Appenzellers  (Read 1716 times)


  • Joined Sep 2010
  • Mid Wales
Crazy Appenzellers
« on: July 04, 2012, 09:40:23 pm »
I love these chooks, they are so full of character but totally unwilling to go in the house at night. Two hens from last years hatch have always roosted up an apple tree in the main run. This was after keeping them in the house for ten days to get them used to it. The poults from this years hatch have also decided to go up the tree. These ones were hatched with 3 araucanas. They were all put in the same house together for ten days. The araucanas go back in the house no problems. The appenzellers followed the original ones up the tree.  ::) I am convinced that chickens know what breed they are and follow similar looking birds around. Does anyone else have this experience?
Silly Spangled Appenzellers, Dutch bantams, Lavender Araucanas, a turkey called Alistair, Muscovy ducks and Jimmy the Fell pony. No pig left in the freezer, we ate him all!

in the hills

  • Joined Feb 2012
Re: Crazy Appenzellers
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 09:53:30 pm »
I haven't kept them myself but it is funny because I spoke to a lady who had just started keeping them and she said they were a nightmare for roosting out. She was keeping them in their coop/run for a while to try and break them of the habit. No trouble with any of her other chooks, just them.

What naughties  ::)   ;D


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